“Change is inevitable—except from a vending machine.” —Robert C Gallagher

Improvements to Wealthview Secured Portal

Beginning this fall, a major Wealthview update will take place that will build upon the original foundation in very helpful, user-friendly ways. Here are some of the highlights:

Enhanced Family Linking: you will now be able to consolidate all family assets, by linking clients, including corporate investments, joint client profiles, even other family members

Enhanced Transparency and Customization: you will now be able to view all linked accounts at a glance with one login:

    • Drill down from the client level (i.e. John Q. Client total portfolio) to the account level (i.e. RRSP, TFSA, etc)
    • You will be able to see market value, book value, asset allocation, risk profile, and performance by account
    • You will be able to see your holdings within each account (specific funds, GICs, etc)
      • Individual fund data is available, where you can view key information about each fund you hold: asset allocation, sector allocation, returns data, MER, etc.
    • Transaction History back to Inception

Enhanced E-Consent Options: you will be able to e-consent to all documents via the Wealthview portal. This means, if you want, the end of wet signatures.

You can watch a short 3-minute video which highlights many of these key changes here.


This information is provided for general information purposes only. It does not constitute professional advice. Please contact a professional about your specific needs before taking any action.